In the year 2008 we have a black man running for president.... and we get this!!
There is an Obama Station in Fukui Perfecture, in Japan. Japanese blog Daily Portal Z, went to do a story and decided blackface would be appropriate...... whwhwhh whaaat?!

Ironically before i received this link (asante InfodivaMLIS!!) the night before watching the boob tube I view the newest DISHnetwork ad with Frank Caliendo. Frank C., is a great impersonator... so in this ad, he is impersonating Charles Barkley, in what.. yesss.. Blackface! Funny thang (not really) Frank C, did this same bit infront of Barkley on TNT, and the militant Bark did not bite, or do anything. Similar to Jimmy Kimmel doing Karl Malone...

...and just wait til halloween when we all get emailed some new pictures of some college party with white kids in blackface.
News organizations and ingnant folk have the nerve to say race relations are getting better, like racists dont exists anymore. They do. Then, the talk of "politically correct" - like race, gender, and beliefs dont have value in this society. Race, gender and beliefs have changed this world with wars, slavery, servitude, predujice, etc., so it is of high importance to respect beliefs, races and cultures. Step your game up black folk, many of the struggles we have fought against still exist.
Spike Lee's classic Bamboozled (buy a copy this month!)